Love To Dream™ Temperature and TOG Guide
In Australia, and some other markets around the world, garments can be given a TOG rating according to the warmth they provide. Basically, the higher the TOG, the warmer the product.
We believe the simplest way to make sure your baby is suitably dressed is to dress for ROOM TEMPERATURE. Therefore, as well as featuring TOG we are also highlighting room temperature and, in some instances, associating this with a MODERATE temperature classification to help cover a broader range of room temperatures.
What is a TOG rating?
TOG stands for 'Thermal Overall Grade', which is a unit of measurement that indicates the thermal insulation of a product, usually in the textile industry. Basically, the higher the TOG, the warmer the product.
How to choose the right product?
To best dress for different room temperatures and ensure you select the right Love to Dream product follow these three simple steps:
- Prior to selecting a Love to Dream product we would recommend having a good understanding of the temperature of your baby’s room
- Always look for the ideal room temperature guidance on our products and website to help your selection.
- Follow the recommended clothing by room temperature dressing guide.
Below is a set of guidelines that helps parents and carers understand the different TOG and additional classifications available at LOVE TO DREAM and their suitability across differing room temperatures:
- 0.2 TOG - Ideal for WARM room temperatures between 24°C to 27°C
- 1.0 TOG - Ideal for MODERATE room temperatures between 20°C to 24°C
- 1.5 TOG - Ideal for 'ALL SEASONS' room temperatures between 18°C to 24°C
- 2.5 TOG - Ideal for COLD room temperatures between 16°C to 20°C
- 3.5 TOG - Ideal for COOL room temperatures below 16°C

Our aim at LOVE TO DREAM is to empower parents to choose the right products and fabrics from our range that best suit their children’s needs. Our product range has therefore been designed and made with different fabrics and with different constructions ranging from a single layer of fabric up to a triple layered construction, with built in quilted features to ensure we have all potential room temperatures covered.
Every baby feels hot and cold differently to another, ambient temperatures fluctuate, and different clothing and sleepwear layer combinations will differ in their thermal effectiveness. These factors make it challenging to give blanket advice to parents and carers.
The table below provides with guidelines around how to dress your baby/toddler based on the room temperature. The table is only a guide. All babies are different. The number of clothing layers may vary according to a baby’s health, their physiology & the temperature in the room. The care-giver must determine what is suitable. It is important to check your baby regularly to ensure that they are comfortable and that they do not overheat.
- It is important to select the right TOG rating for the temperature of your baby's room to ensure they sleep comfortably and safely. A leading cause of SIDS is overheating, so keep an eye on your baby to check that they are comfortable in the garment(s) you have dressed them in.
- When babies become too warm or too cold overnight they can struggle with falling & staying asleep. You might also find they wake up more frequently and don't fall back asleep easily. To help your baby sleep better, always use the room temperature that your baby is sleeping in (not the temperature outside) to determine how to dress your baby. See our chart below for guidance.
- As seasons change – or if you experience any significant change in weather and temperature – we advise that you monitor your baby more closely and follow our clothing recommendations below, whether by dressing baby in warmer/cooler layers underneath their Love to Dream garment or by putting them in a different TOG-rated garment.
Clothing & Temperature Guide
The following chart provides some recommendations for what clothing your baby might be comfortable in, according to their room temperature and the TOG rating of their Love to Dream™ sleepwear.

Disclaimer: The table is only a guide, and it is important to note that all babies are different. The appropriate number of clothing layers may vary according to a baby's health, their physiology and the room temperature in the room. The care-giver must determine what is suitable.
Why do we need a temperature or TOG rating system?
Swaddles are a popular alternative to traditional blankets, as they remove the safety risk of loose bedding and sheets that can be a breathing hazard while a baby is sleeping. Because traditional bedding is graded according to its warmth, similarly, swaddles and sleep bags/suits are given a TOG rating according to the warmth that they provide.
Additional Recommendations
- The layers shown in our Clothing & Temperature Guide are suggestions and ultimately, the parent or care-giver needs to assess the individual needs of their baby and decide on the garment TOG weight and number of clothing layers, based on the temperature of their sleep environment.
- Covering a baby’s head (i.e. with a beanie) during sleep time can lead to overheating, so this should be avoided.
- According to AAP safe sleep guidelines, it’s important that you provide your baby with their own safe sleep space, which includes placing your baby to sleep on their back, without any additional bedding including blankets, pillows, crib bumpers, comforters etc. to your baby or toddler’s crib or bassinet.
- To decide if the number of clothing layers is correct, it is helpful to learn the signs of whether your baby is too warm or too cold.
Learning the Signs
Signs your child could be too warm (and, therefore, you may need to remove a layer/s of clothing or decrease the room temperature) include:

- Your child has a red face and cheeks
- Your child is sweating (check their tummy, back, and the nape of their neck)
- Your child has a rapid heart rate and/or rapid breathing
Signs your child could be too cold (and, therefore, you may need to increase a layer/s of clothing or increase the room temperature) include:

- Your child’s chest or tummy are cool to touch
- Your child is waking frequently through the night or during naps and all other factors (soiled/wet diaper, feed times have been considered)
- Your child is waking frequently early in the morning e.g. between 3–5 am (if the temperature drastically drops during the night, you may need to add an extra layer after a night feed).
According to Healthline, here is the guidance on when to seek medical attention for a raised temperature.
If you’ve taken steps to adjust the temperature and remove layers of clothing from your baby and they’re still sweaty, they could have a fever. Seek medical attention for your baby if they’re:
- younger than 3 months old and have a fever with a rectal temperature of 38°C
- over 3 months old and have a fever of 38.9°C or higher
- over 3 months old and have had a fever for longer than 2 days
Buying the right TOG-rated sleepwear all year round
If you're looking for some guidance around how to buy swaddles in the right TOG for your baby, we have put together the Ultimate Swaddle Guide: Quantity, Size & Season. Part Three, called "TOG Tips", unpacks the season aspect and is a great starting point for getting an idea of the different approaches you can take when buying.
Need some help?
If you need some personalised help with choosing the right rated garment for your child or have any other questions, please reach out to our friendly and knowledgeable team through our contact page or through our website chat feature (working hours only). We'd be happy to help!