The Love to Dream™ Blog

The Sleep Centre

Articles you can relate to & advice you can trust.

Sleep Centre

The UNIQUE Design of a SWADDLE UP™
Medial research suggests that swaddling is beneficial in helping newborns to sleep better. Unlike traditional  swaddles that keep a baby's arms by their side or across their chest, the unique ARMS UP™ design of our SWADDLE UP™ has patented 'wings' that allow a baby to sleep in their natural ARMS UP™ position. This means your baby can easily touch their face & suck on their hands & fingers for true SELF-SOOTHING™.
Understanding Baby Sleep & Sleep Cycles
When people use the phrase 'I slept like a baby' they generally mean they slept really well; quite deeply and soundly until the morning. Which, if you ask any parent of a newborn, is the complete opposite of how babies sleep. So if babies don't in fact 'sleep like a baby', then what is their sleep actually like?